Saturday, February 27, 2010

Project in Progress: Bird Flower Painting

I've been chugging away at my Bird Flower project and I'm finally done with the bird. This picture gives an idea, but there will be more feathery effects in the glass when it's viewed with backlighting. Note that the bird measures about a foot across.

This was the most challenging set of pieces to cut and grind, since there were many irregular and tiny shapes. I had to avoid some of the strangest curves and ruffles in the pattern by revising the lines. Very wavy lines are impractical to cut. They also may add little to the overall pattern. All things considered, I'm very satisfied with how the bird came out. This bird section alone has over 50 pieces; it is nearly as substantial as the Celtic Deer project!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alexander. This project looks very interesting and beautiful. I like your blog and I love seeing what you are doing. What are you going to do with the finished works?

