Sunday, February 14, 2010

Moving My Workspace

While taking my class and working on my Celtic Deer project, I worked upstairs in the area my yarn-obsessed wife calls the "Fiber Room." It got fairly crowded, and my wife got fairly grumpy. I didn't have room for any big projects, either.

So I went down to the basement by our central air unit, to a little nook that I'd never really used before. It's an interesting area. It has a work table, some shelves, about 15 power outlets, and a lovely freestanding toilet. I put a rug down so the floor wasn't too cold, but I had more work to do.

I got a neat new table from Ikea. I also took a random extra door standing against the wall and put it on some boxes so it could support the big pattern I'm working on. I didn't do anything with the toilet and I think that's for the best.

I got some bamboo file holders and put my larger glass scraps inside, organized by color. Hopefully, I won't have to buy a whole new piece of glass for some colors in future projects. I'm finding I can be picky with my glass, though, so we'll see.

The table is interesting. It has a large glass surface that rests a few inches above a wooden layer. A funny lamp (also from Ikea) can slide under the working area and illuminate glass panes from below, so I can see exactly how it will look when lit up. This helps to plan my cutting much better. It's also a lot safer than holding a chunk of glass over my face and up to a lightbulb or window. I covered most of the tabletop with a plastic sheet. This gives the traction I need for my cutting board.

This work area should be great, especially with a space heater and a radio thrown in!

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