Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Project Ideas

I have several ideas for stained glass projects. I would not necessarily make them in this order. Most would be gifts, although eventually I should start selling my projects to recoup some expenses.

  1. A large Japanese bird-flower painting - this is my current project
  2. A fantasy unicorn of some kind - this would be a gift for my sister
  3. The Keeper - A glass plating pattern I purchased recently
  4. Tenement Window - Another glass plating pattern I purchased
  5. Bamboo - A pattern by Robert Oddy and another journeyman piece for glass plating
  6. A Dungeons & Dragons themed panel, using glass plating - this would be a gift for my awesome DM, Josh
  7. A large and silly panel to illustrate a running joke between me and my wife - it would incorporate a dragon, a bear and a sheep

In the long term, I'd like to get into extensive glass plating. This involves layering two or more panels of stained glass to create effects like shadows, distance fading, borderless shapes, and much more. Glass plating creates a rich visual impression similar to a traditional a painting.

In the Tenement Window pattern, for example, you can see shadow and distance effects:

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